Accent Image for Center for Brain Stimulation

Treatment for Children & Adolescents

Outpatient Programs

The Menninger Clinic®

Center for Brain Stimulation


For adolescents ages 16 to 17 with severe, treatment-resistant depression, we offer electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and ketamine therapy.


For an adolescent younger than 18-years-old to receive a course of ECT, the State of Texas requires three physicians to certify in writing that the treatment is necessary.


The adolescent’s legal guardian must give permission for each treatment.


Discover the benefits of these therapies.


Neil Puri, MD, is the medical director of our Center for Brain Stimulation.


Call us at 713-275-5400 for more information about these therapies for adolescents.



These services are not available for children, but help is still available. Please call 713-275-5400 to learn about our services for children with mental illness.

See Our Children & Adolescents
Inpatient Programs
Call us today & let us help you or a loved one.