Accent Image for Neuropsychiatric Consultation Service


Neuropsychiatric Consultation Service

Do you have questions or concerns about neurological, cognitive, dementia, brain injury or atypical psychiatric symptoms? Then a neuropsychiatric consultation and testing can provide answers to help you on your mental health journey.

Provided by our experienced, certified neuropsychiatrist and neuropsychologist, a neuropsychiatric consultation includes a review of your medical records, evidenced-based interviews and a physical exam. Additional neuropsychological testing as well as brain imaging and EEG are added when indicated.

In most cases, the client completes all consultation meetings in person at Menninger in one day. Results are reviewed via teleconference or in person with the client and their family approximately two weeks after the consultation.

When a Neuropsychiatric Consultation is Appropriate

This service is appropriate for anyone ages 12 and older who may have questions about:

  • Changes resulting from a concussion or a traumatic brain injury due to a fall, accident or sports injury
  • Memory loss or inability to concentrate, loss of judgment or difficulty communicating
  • Confounding symptoms, including hallucinations/psychosis, atypical mental health symptoms and treatment-resistant symptoms
  • Concerns about autoimmune disorders, such as multiple sclerosis
  • Questions about neurodevelopmental conditions like autism spectrum disorders and tic disorders
  • Movement problems, such as shaky hands, problems with balance and walking, or muscle rigidity
  • Insomnia or excessive sleepiness
  • Psychiatric symptoms co-occurring with epilepsy or other seizure disorders
  • Functional neurological disorders, including non-epileptic seizures, functional weakness and functional movement disorders
  • Obtaining a baseline status of their brain health for future comparison to indicate any change. Retesting can be scheduled in subsequent years.
  • A consultation to assess cognitive functioning and memory is also available for adults who have received prior ECT treatment.

All consultations include personalized recommendations for sustaining brain health.


Anyone may self-refer.


Scheduling a Neuropsychiatric Consultation

To schedule a consultation, call us at 713-275-5400. Typically, a consultation can be scheduled within two to four weeks.

Call us today & let us help you or a loved one.