At The Menninger Clinic, we recognize that the road to recovery from mental illness and/or addiction is challenging. Based on years of experience helping people who have traveled their own paths through treatment, we also know that the friendships and experiences shared with other patients are an invaluable part of the treatment journey.
Living Healthier Together*
That’s why we established Living Healthier Together, our patient affinity organization that all former patients or "graduates," including those who received care through Outpatient Services, are automatically enrolled in, free of charge.
All Recovery Support Group
One current offering is the All Recovery Support Group, a peer-led support group for adults that meets online every
Saturday at 2:30 pm and every
Tuesday at 8:15 pm Central Time. The Tuesday group has a special emphasis on recovery from depression.
The excellence and teamwork of the staff at Menninger helped me find a flame of hope, and they delivered it with integrity and caring.
Gordon Meltzer, former patient and current peer recovery specialist
Whether you're recovering from depression, anxiety, substance use disorder or any other mental health issue, this group offers meaningful support, comfort and encouragement. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Menninger clinicians will also join the meeting to help review and reinforce the self-care skills you learned while in treatment.
All adult graduates of Menninger inpatient programs as well as current and former clients of Outpatient Services and Pathfinder are welcome. No reservations are needed.
More Information
Want more information about Living Healthier Together or the All Recovery Support Group? Contact
Gordon Meltzer, CPRS, CPS, ICPR, who coordinates both, at
Patient Alumni Reunion

Menninger is pleased to announce the next on-campus
patient alumni reunion will be held October 18-20, 2024; so save the date!
*Living Healthier Together ia a non-clinical, fully peer-supported and led group that aims to extend the healing benefits and relationships of your milieu as far into the future as you choose. No material or interactions associated with the Menninger Alumni Program: Living Healthier Together is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking care because of program activities.